With 2012 coming to an end, we thought we would share some of our favorite blog posts and happenings at Chappell Central in 2012. Some of the news at Chappell Central for 2012 includes adding a new deburring machine to our custom manufacturing department, eight people in our staff excelling in commercial HVAC training, adding a heavy-duty air duct cleaning service, visiting the Carrier factories, hiring and promoting Chappell Central staff, and sending our manufacturing products to France. In January of 2012, Chappell Central also helped educate people on the dangers of radon and was featured in the West Central Tribune.
Our Customers
Teaming up with Lennox and “Heat Up Minnesota” helps families in Sacred Heart and Willmar
Pat Walsh of Murdock, MN shares his story of upgrading his HVAC Equipment
HVAC Service and Expertise Important to Willmar Schools
Making Fabricated Metal Components for Custom Roto-Mold (CRM)
Our Commercial HVAC Projects
Dust Collection Systems in Commercial Settings
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Resources
Smart Thermostat Controls 8 Zones (even from your Smart Phone)
5 Indoor Air Toxins to get Rid of Now
Understanding your Home’s Efficiency and HVAC (Infographic)
6 Ways to Keep you Cooling Bill Down
How to Choose your Air Conditioner Filter
How to Read the Energy Guide Label on your Furnace
Radon Risks in West Central Minnesota
Thank you to all our readers and customers for another great year! We look forward to serving you in 2013 and beyond! Do you have any questions about air quality, heating and cooling, or home comfort that we can answer for you? If you have any topics or questions you would like us to write about in 2013, please let us know in the comments below or contact us directly.