The Minnesota Summer of 2012 has been HOT! The HVAC service business at Chappell Central has also heated up with a vengeance. Stringing together several days of heat indexes in the 100’s puts a real strain on cooling systems and the technicians that have to keep them running. Fortunately, not only are the Chappell Central technicians up to the challenge, their dedication is unsurpassed. We had a full group of technicians working on the Fourth of July holiday. Some even gave up their holiday to keep our customers in the cool. Dave Fett and Dave Swanson changed their vacations to help reduce the load on their fellow technicians, by taking what ended up being a record number of calls during the holiday week.
The service work would not get done without the support of the staff taking and entering the calls. With Brenda Bredesen out with a medical issue, Lynn Ogle, Lynn Schneider and Shelly Munyon took the brunt of the assault and kept multiple balls in the air for a week at a time. Service Manager Ron Roufs dealt with all aspects of the heat wave and did a fantastic job. We could not be prouder of being a part of this service team.
We hope you are staying cool this summer and enjoying what summer in West Central Minnesota is all about. Even though the summer has been hot and sticky, it has been fun to take part in activities like watching the Willmar Stinger’s baseball, local city celebrations, and getting a full dose of swimming and playing on our many lakes!
Enjoy the summer while it lasts!