October is Energy Awareness month, and let’s face it, energy is something that many of us take for granted from day-to-day. We usually don’t think too much about the energy we are using until a storm or power outage temporarily reminds us how much we depend on it.
The History of Energy Awareness
The U.S. started raising energy awareness in 1981 with American Energy Week. In 1986 the US Department of Energy made it a month-long observance, and President Barack Obama proclaimed October 2009 National Energy Awareness Month to shine new light on energy awareness activities, stating, “During National Energy Awareness Month, we recognize the contributions of individuals, organizations, and companies that are committed to advancing energy innovation and efficiency, and we promote the importance of a clean energy economy to our Nation.”
So, what are YOU doing this month to promote energy efficiency?
What habits are you forming now that will make a difference in the future?
One of the key things that you can do to help conserve energy is to use Energy Star products. Energy Star helps save money and the environment through energy efficient products and practices. The collective efforts of all of us add up. According to Energy Star, Americans saved enough energy in 2010 to avoid greenhouse emissions equivalent to 33 million cars – while saving $18 billion on utility bills.
Another simple thing you can do for your home or business is get a programmable thermostat installed. So for instance, in a home setting, while you are gone to work, you can turn your heat down. For a business or facility setting, you would want to set up the HVAC schedules to match when your facility is occupied during the day.
Finally, just remember to turn it off or unplug it when not in use! This is a great thing that kids can help with too! Whether it is the lights, TV, computer monitor, cell phone chargers, or whatever – If it is not in use, make it a habit to turn off the power.
Here are checklists that outline more ideas for conserving energy:
Facility Energy Checklist
Home Energy Checklist
Office Energy Checklist
What are you doing now that saves energy? What are you going to start doing that will make a difference in the future?