Since October is Energy Awareness Month, we are going to give you 10 tips for conserving energy in your home while helping the environment and saving you money. This week, we are starting with how you can be more energy efficient in the day-to-day tasks that you do, such as laundry, computer and entertainment time, and cooking.
Saving Energy Around the Home
1.) Laundry
Try washing and rinsing your clothes in cold water to save on heating the water. A dryer uses an immense amount of energy, so try line drying outside (as the season allows) or dry consecutive loads of clothes to utilize the already-warm dryer. Avoid mixing heavy towels or blankets with lightweight items.
2.) Electronics
Turn off home electronics and computers when they are not in use. Many electronics are still using energy in standby mode (also known as vampire power) when they are plugged in. When buying new electronics, opt for the energy efficient models with the Energy Star label.
3.) Lighting
Look around your house and try to identify 5-10 lights that you use the most often, that you can change to Energy Star lighting, such as the compact fluorescent light bulbs. The fluorescent bulbs last 6-10 times longer than traditional bulbs and use up to 2/3 less energy. Use task lighting, lighter paint colors, and natural daylight whenever you can.
4.) Kitchen
Avoid soaking or pre-washing dishes in the automatic dishwasher when possible to save on dishwasher usage. Many dishwashers have an “energy saver” button that can be selected for each wash to avoid using heat to dry the dishes. An energy efficient dishwasher, oven, and refrigerator/freezer will save you money in the long run when you look at the overall cost of operation.
5.) Water Heater
You may be surprised how turning down the temperature setting on your water heater can save you money and still serve your family’s needs (typically 120-125 degrees is sufficient). Water saving shower heads and faucets can also drastically reduce the amount of hot water used.
Click here for five more ways to make your home more energy efficient, with a focus on your homes HVAC systems – heating, ventilation, and air conditioning in your home.
Do you feel that your family has a good understanding of energy awareness? How else are you trying to save energy, reduce your monthly bills, and help the environment?